- 賀本公司取得六級專利
- ☆ ★~4D立體魔術胸罩, 全新上市 ~☆ ★
- ☆ ★~賀本公司取得新型第 M 403220 號專利胸罩背帶構造 ~☆ ★
- ☆ ★~賀本公司取得新型第 M 406935 號專利 胸罩結構 ~☆ ★
- ☆ ★~歡迎來到無網圈內衣王國 ~☆ ★
- ☆ ★~歡迎光臨:珍妮貝兒、若曼莎、年終慶,會員打九折 ~☆ ★
The company's Development: China and Taiwan 1000 retail stores, and online shopping, export sales of EU and Republic of the Philippines. Culture: Service woman: to comfort the wearer as a starting point, the pursuit of leading the trend of healthy fashion aesthetic. The Company Features: Base on 60 patented technologies to build strength wire-free bra function, get rid of the steel ring bra health worries, bring women feel comfortable to wear underwear, while creating the perfect breast shape visual and psychological feelings of self-confidence.